What We Offer

Anything from a one off consult, to year round on farm consultancy agreement. We specialize in soil health working from the soil up, so we have a particular focus of implementing farming systems that not only improve overall production and profitability, but improve soil health and structure at the same time.

This requires a significant planning process, where we recommend all fertilizer, herbicide requirements and management strategies, while also ensuring that crop rotations are put into practice that will optimize productivity and profitability, whether it be for broad acre cropping or intensive grazing purposes. The majority of our clients employ us on an annual retainer basis;

This is based on the amount of time expected to be spent on farm and business planning time, all travel costs (Echuca and surrounding area only), and all phone time.

We encourage clients to employ us on a retainer basis to ensure that our clients do not hesitate to call us for any issues or questions, while it allows us to be more comprehensive with our on farm visits and follow up phone calls.